What are the most common ways people in Nevada get arrested for DUI?

Most Common Ways People Get Arrested for DUI: Traffic Stops, Accidents, and More

Driving under the influence (DUI) is one of the most frequently charged offenses in Nevada, especially in busy areas like Las Vegas, where tourism and nightlife make alcohol consumption common. However, most DUI arrests don’t happen because someone is pulled over randomly. Instead, they typically result from specific behaviors or circumstances that catch the attention of law enforcement. Understanding the most common reasons people get arrested for DUI can help you avoid these situations and recognize when it’s time to seek legal help.

This blog explores the most frequent causes of DUI arrests, from traffic stops to accidents, and highlights how Attorney Josh Tomsheck can assist if you find yourself facing DUI charges in Nevada.

Common Traffic Violations Leading to DUI Stops

One of the primary ways people get arrested for DUI is through traffic violations. Police officers in Nevada, as in other states, are trained to look for signs of impaired driving, especially during nights and weekends when DUI incidents are more common. If an officer pulls someone over for a traffic violation and suspects impairment, a DUI investigation often follows.

Here are the most common traffic violations that lead to DUI arrests:

1. Speeding

Speeding is one of the most common reasons for traffic stops, and it often triggers suspicion of impaired driving. Drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs may have slower reaction times, leading them to misjudge their speed or fail to notice posted limits. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), speeding is a frequent behavior in DUI cases, particularly late at night when impaired driving is more prevalent.

2. Failure to Stay in the Lane

Another major red flag for law enforcement is when a vehicle swerves between lanes or drifts onto the shoulder. Impaired drivers often have difficulty maintaining their lane due to a loss of coordination and concentration. Officers who observe erratic driving patterns may initiate a traffic stop to investigate whether the driver is under the influence.

3. Running Red Lights or Stop Signs

Impaired drivers sometimes fail to stop at traffic lights or stop signs, either because they don’t notice the signal or their reaction times are delayed. Running red lights or ignoring stop signs not only increases the risk of accidents but also attracts the attention of law enforcement, leading to DUI arrests.

4. Failure to Use Headlights

Operating a vehicle at night without headlights is another telltale sign that something may be wrong. People driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs may forget to turn on their headlights, especially in well-lit areas. This common mistake often results in traffic stops, during which officers may suspect the driver is impaired.

5. Making Illegal Turns

Impaired drivers may make illegal U-turns or turns at intersections where they are not permitted. Such risky and impulsive behaviors can immediately draw the attention of law enforcement, leading to a traffic stop and potential DUI arrest.

6. Driving Too Slowly

While speeding is a common cause for concern, driving significantly below the speed limit can also be a sign of impairment. Drivers under the influence may overcompensate by driving slowly in an attempt to avoid detection, but this erratic driving behavior can actually prompt law enforcement to initiate a stop.

DUI Arrests Involving Accidents

Accidents are another common way DUI arrests occur. In some cases, law enforcement is called to the scene of an accident and may suspect that alcohol or drugs played a role in causing the crash. Here are some of the most frequent types of accidents that lead to DUI arrests:

1. Single-Vehicle Accidents

When a driver loses control of their vehicle and crashes without any other cars involved, police may suspect that impairment is a factor. Single-vehicle accidents, such as running off the road, hitting a tree, or colliding with a stationary object, are often linked to impaired driving.

2. Rear-End Collisions

A common consequence of impaired driving is rear-ending another vehicle due to slowed reaction times and decreased judgment. If a driver is involved in a rear-end collision, especially if it occurs at night or on weekends, law enforcement officers may investigate whether alcohol or drugs were involved.

3. Intersection Accidents

Intersections are high-risk areas for impaired drivers. Accidents at intersections, including those caused by failing to yield, running red lights, or making illegal turns, frequently result in DUI investigations. Police officers arriving at the scene may administer field sobriety tests if they suspect impairment.

DUI Arrests at Sobriety Checkpoints

Nevada law enforcement agencies regularly set up DUI checkpoints, especially during holidays, weekends, and large events when drinking is common. At these checkpoints, officers screen drivers for signs of impairment. While drivers are not typically pulled over for traffic violations, anyone who appears to be under the influence can be subject to further testing and arrest.

Sobriety checkpoints are legal under both state and federal law, as long as they are conducted according to specific guidelines. Officers at these checkpoints may ask drivers to perform field sobriety tests or use breathalyzer devices to assess alcohol levels. Failing these tests often leads to an immediate DUI arrest.

Signs of Impairment Law Enforcement Looks For

When law enforcement initiates a traffic stop, they are trained to look for specific signs of impairment, which can then lead to a DUI investigation. These signs include:

  • Slurred speech
  • Bloodshot or watery eyes
  • The smell of alcohol or marijuana in the vehicle
  • Open containers of alcohol or drug paraphernalia in the car
  • The driver’s admission of drinking or using drugs
  • Difficulty understanding or following instructions
  • Poor performance on field sobriety tests (such as walking in a straight line or standing on one leg)

If an officer observes any of these signs, they may request a breath test or blood test to measure the driver’s blood alcohol content (BAC). In Nevada, a BAC of 0.08% or higher is grounds for DUI charges, though lower levels can also result in charges if the driver is deemed impaired.

How Josh Tomsheck Can Help with a Nevada DUI Charge

Being arrested for a DUI in Nevada is a serious matter that can lead to harsh consequences, including fines, license suspension, mandatory alcohol education, and even jail time. In some cases, the penalties are even more severe if aggravating factors—such as accidents, injuries, or prior DUI convictions—are present.

This is where Attorney Josh Tomsheck can help. As a nationally board-certified criminal defense lawyer with extensive experience handling DUI cases in Nevada, Josh Tomsheck has the knowledge and expertise to provide a strong defense for individuals facing DUI charges. Whether you were pulled over for a traffic violation or arrested after an accident, Josh Tomsheck can develop a legal strategy tailored to the specifics of your case.

Why Choose Josh Tomsheck for Your DUI Defense?

  • Extensive DUI Experience: Josh Tomsheck has successfully defended numerous clients charged with DUI in Nevada, achieving reduced charges, dismissals, and favorable outcomes in many cases.
  • Personalized Defense Strategy: Every DUI case is different, and Josh provides personalized legal support based on the unique circumstances of each case, whether it’s challenging the legality of the traffic stop or disputing the results of a breathalyzer test.
  • Knowledge of Nevada DUI Law: Josh Tomsheck’s deep understanding of Nevada DUI law ensures that every possible avenue is explored to defend your case, from analyzing the validity of the arrest to negotiating for reduced penalties.
  • Reputation for Excellence: Josh is a recognized criminal defense attorney with a proven track record of success in DUI cases, providing clients with expert representation in both Las Vegas and throughout Nevada.

Contact Josh Tomsheck for DUI Defense

If you’ve been arrested for a DUI in Nevada, you need experienced legal representation on your side. Attorney Josh Tomsheck is ready to help you navigate the complexities of DUI law and fight for the best possible outcome in your case.

Contact Hofland & Tomsheck today at (702) 895-6760 or visit our office at 228 S. 4th Street, First Floor, Las Vegas, NV 89101 to schedule a consultation. With Josh Tomsheck on your side, you can rest assured that you’ll receive the dedicated defense you need to protect your rights and future.


  1. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. “Traffic Safety Facts: Alcohol-Impaired Driving.” NHTSA. https://www.nhtsa.gov.
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